Sunday, August 30, 2009

Johnathan Edwards:Collage

From reading the sermon i was able to capture some images in my head and with that make a physical image that illustrates the sermon. The person burning in flames with hands reaching for represents the fact that Edwards states that the people are getting "dragged" into hell and that they are burning in its flames. Furthermore that roaring ocean is there because in one of the paragraphs Edwards states how God's wrath is like roaring waters that rise higher and higher as it is set loose. These two images are mounted on top of a spider web to represent the fact that according to Edwards there is no escape from hell that there is no salvation and that it is basically a person destiny. Finally, the piece of string that is holing the entire image represents the hand of God that has a person a under control and with just one finger a persons life could go down.


Racial profiling, even though wanting to be avoided, is something that is going on and has been going on for a long time. For Example, the political cartoon contains a person telling another person "remember...No profiling...Don't judge 'em all by their beards and weird hats." This enforces the fact the people are trying to avoid racial profiling as to not be rude. Also the people in the cartoon are two Indians on a hill watching as the pilgrims arrive to America. Furthermore, this illustrates that even though racial profiling is trying to be avoided it has been going on for a long time. In conclusion this cartoon conveys racial profiling throughout the years.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Video Montage

This a video montage that i created foy my revolution project. This video represents the change throughout America and the world, having shown different leaders both good and bad, and also it shows the different methods that people have been using to fight for freedom and how much they have wanted it.