Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thesis statement

In an excerpt from William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, although the puritans experience hardships in their voyage to America, in their initial arrival and their dealing with he Indians, they still maintained their reverence to god and to one another[their initial reason for fleeing England].

Selection from Plymouth Plantation

September 6 [1620]. These troubles being blown over, and now all being compact together in one ship, they put to sea again with a prosperous wind, which continued divers days together, which was some encouragement unto them; yet, according to the usual manner, many were afflicted with seasickness. And I may not omit here a special work of God’s providence. There was a proud and very profane young man, one of the seamen, of a lusty, able body, which made him the more haughty; he would always be contemning the poor people in their sickness and cursing them daily with grievous execrations; and did not let to tell them that he hoped to help to cast half of them overboard before they came to their journey’s end, and to make merry with what they had; and if he Were by any gently reproved, he would curse and swear most bitterly. But it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died in a desperate manner, and so was himself the first that was thrown overboard. Thus his curses light on his own head, and it was an astonishment to all his fellows for they noted it to be the just hand of God upon him.
This passage impressed me because of the unexpected irony at the end. For example who would have that the young man who seemed to be healthy, and who was blurting out nasty remarks to the sick passenger, would in the end get sick himself and end up being thrown over board. Also this passage caught my attention because of how the pilgrims were strong enough to survive the long journey even though they came across very hard times and people who would belittle them. This shows what the whole coming to America was about how the pilgrims would do anything and deal with anything no matter the conditions just to be able to come here to what was then the "country of freedom." This goes back to today's type of immigration how the people will venture throughout many harsh places just to come here so that they can get the little bit of freedom that their country does not give them. So what is the difference? "What is an American?"

Poltical Cartoon

Back in the day when the settlers were just moving to america they were coming from England mainly for religous freedom. Also back then theres was nobody to limit the coming over of the immigrants. In the political cartoon it demonstrates how later on the government started to limit the amount of immigrants that were coming to america. It also shows that as time passes the government is letting less and less immigrants come to america by "closing the gate" and undoing their warm welcome. When the pilgrims were coming they saw America as the country of freedom the country that would accept each and everyone as what they are and get to know them as an American. As the cartoon shows much of this has change so there is only one question: "What is an American".

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Anne Bradstreet: In Reference to her children

I had eight birds hatcht in one nest,
Four Cocks were there, and Hens the rest.
I nurst them up with pain and care,
No cost nor labour did I spare
Till at the last they felt their wing,
Mounted the Trees and learned to sing.
Chief of the Brood then took his flight
To Regions far and left me quite.
My mournful chirps I after send
Till he return, or I do end.

I chose this poem because of how Anne shows how lonely she truly is and how she would like for her family to be there for her or at least show her a bit of love and appreciation. In the first stanza she basically states what people make up her family and she refers to them as birds and shes states how her husband always leaves and she is awaiting his return for without him her life would come to an end. Throughout the poem she states of how her children have left to live their own life and that she is now left with two children by her side at least until they grow up and they have to leave. Also the poem, to me, gives a sense of loneliness because her children have left and her husband is always out. That is one of the main reasons why this poem impressed me. I was able to not just understand but also to imagine the pain and loneliness that she is feeling because she feels as though she has nothing left for her and that sooner or later she will be by herself. That is why this is the poem that impressed me out of all.

Political Cartoon: Plight of Women

Women rights are slowly increasing. In this political cartoon it shows a women buttoning up her dress but she is having a hard time. This conveys how women in modern day are struggling to have their rights. Likewise Anne Bradstreet in her time period was expected to always be home and do the daily chores which means that she has limited rights. Also the dress’s buttons are labeled suffrage and ratification. Furthermore this conveys that those rights are quite not at their full level where women can have the same rights that men have. In conclusion this shows that women are still struggling to maintain their rights.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Johnathan Edwards:Collage

From reading the sermon i was able to capture some images in my head and with that make a physical image that illustrates the sermon. The person burning in flames with hands reaching for represents the fact that Edwards states that the people are getting "dragged" into hell and that they are burning in its flames. Furthermore that roaring ocean is there because in one of the paragraphs Edwards states how God's wrath is like roaring waters that rise higher and higher as it is set loose. These two images are mounted on top of a spider web to represent the fact that according to Edwards there is no escape from hell that there is no salvation and that it is basically a person destiny. Finally, the piece of string that is holing the entire image represents the hand of God that has a person a under control and with just one finger a persons life could go down.


Racial profiling, even though wanting to be avoided, is something that is going on and has been going on for a long time. For Example, the political cartoon contains a person telling another person "remember...No profiling...Don't judge 'em all by their beards and weird hats." This enforces the fact the people are trying to avoid racial profiling as to not be rude. Also the people in the cartoon are two Indians on a hill watching as the pilgrims arrive to America. Furthermore, this illustrates that even though racial profiling is trying to be avoided it has been going on for a long time. In conclusion this cartoon conveys racial profiling throughout the years.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Video Montage

This a video montage that i created foy my revolution project. This video represents the change throughout America and the world, having shown different leaders both good and bad, and also it shows the different methods that people have been using to fight for freedom and how much they have wanted it.